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My Year of New Things

I have decided that this year would be the year of new things. To step WAY out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. It's been my prayer, and God has been taking me up on it.
  I was asked to be the Water Games Coordinator for W4 (our VBS. W4 stands for Wacky Wild Water Week). I was totally honored and surprised to be given this opportunity. To me, being put in a coordinator position for W4 is one of the top responsibilities. The coordinators help pretty much make up what the years theme and everything will be about, then they get their team. Being a part of this has been amazing!! In our first meeting we had the groundwork set! The last meeting I was a little, well, out of it I guess. I had driven to Cambridge that morning to see my grandma, who isn't doing well, and then we got back late afternoon. When the meeting time got there I was only able to give about half of my normal...ness. But anyways, I am LOVING this opportunity. At first I thought "Water games? Really? That doesn't exactly seem to be one of my stronger points." But then as I thought about it, crafts would be too high demand for me right now, Bible story would be too much. . . Yep. God had it right. Water games it is!! Any ideas would be wonderful for water games to reflect some Olympic sports and Paul's life. Yep. It's going to be about Paul. It's an International/Olympic theme. I couldn't be more excited!! It has me really digging into the book of Acts, which I have NEVER done before. I feel like for the past 28 years I have been really missing out! Acts is becoming one of my favorite books!

Another new thing I'm doing its trying a new recipe every week. I don't like to make things I'm not sure we're going to like. I don't like the idea of messing it up, and I really hate the idea of putting all that effort into something that we hate. I did that once. I tried a spinach quiche recipe. It was AWFUL!! I have had amazing spinach quiche before, and that was NOT one of them. But I made a pineapple ham quiche that was pretty good (and now I know what I would tweak to make it better). I have done AMAZING oven bbq chicken. I made a mango papaya salsa that my friend loved and I thought was ok. I am dying to go to the store for more than a quick trip. I need to get fresh veggies to make some new creations. I might even branch out and just try making something without a recipe. . . Or not. Hahaha!! I just need my avocado and mushrooms and I'll be set.

Courtney just asked me what I was "blog writing" about. She informed me that I am also going to try a new thing called "Going out on a date." Ha!! It would be a new thing. It's been almost 3 years since I went on what could have been considered a date. And that was just one. I was telling a friend the other day that my first date was after I turned 18. Not because of a dating rule, but because of lack of interest. . . in me. And since my divorce 5 years ago, it's been the same. I don't go on dates, not only because most guys aren't decent, but also because no one asks me out. Ever. I've been told it's because I'm intimidating. I'm 5'1 1/2". I look like I'm 12. How am I intimidating? I just don't understand. My co-worker has been teasing me lately because a 40+ year old customer has a "crush" on me. For the longest time I said she was just making it up. Last Saturday when he came in, I had to admit. He does seem to have a thing for me. Oh well, Mr. Customer. I don't date men that are that much older than me. To which Bert would say "What men do you date?". . . None.

Ok, so that was off subject. I don't know what else new I have been plunging into this year, but I'm trying to do everything with a new sense of motivation. My randomness in my posts will now be newer, more complex. Following my train of thought will be a mental exercise. Haha! And on that note.

The End.


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