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Showing posts from September, 2012

Falling into a New Routine

    Summer is now gone and fall is here. Chilly nights. Clear blue skies that are crisp and clear. And school has begun. For us, homeschooling has begun. The girls do an online school, so they have to be up, dressed, fed, and set up for their online classes by 8:15am. That means earlier mornings, earlier bedtimes, and SLEEPY CHILDREN BY 8pm!! YAY!!! *happy mama dance* They fall asleep quickly when put to bed at 9. I find this to be my dream come true. Now, the getting up part is not so easy. I'm not a morning person by nature. My goal is to be up by 7am. Reality has been more along the lines of 7:30 or *gasp* 7:45. Which makes for a rushed half an hour of dragging them out of bed, as they take after me in their hatred of mornings, and getting them to dress and eat NOW!     Another up side to this new routine is that school work can be finished, scanned, and submitted to the teachers by noon on average. On a rougher day it takes about an extra hour. Still, WHOLE afternoon of freedo