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Showing posts from 2015

4,015 Days

Ten years. Well, in reality, we're talking more like eleven. Ten years in the sense that ten years ago today my ex-husband walked out on me and the girls. Eleven in that there has been a lot that happened from 2004 until now. It's a long time, but it really isn't. It seems like so long, but it seems like it flew by. A lot has happened in the past eleven years. I feel a bit overwhelmed as I sit here and think back. It has been a long, winding, and rough road. So many ups and way too many downs. I had two kids, a marriage and divorce. I lost two brothers, which took my feet right out from under me. Got engaged, broke off said engagement. Battled depression. Got in shape and fell in love with CrossFit (It's my therapy). Raised two girls through their single digit years. Went through 2 cats, 2 turtles, are on our 3rd and 4th birds. Moved 3 times in less than 2 years, having lived at our current residence for 10 years now. Along with a variety of other things. This