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Showing posts from May, 2012


It has been a month to the day since my last post. I'M SORRY KYNNIE!!! It has been a crazy busy month. Trying to finish up the school year. Courtney has been reading everything she sees. . . which in some cases is not so great. Some, well most, magazine headlines in the checkout lanes are NOT appropriate for children. She has really taken hold of the counting money thing, and is now figuring up how much she "charges" for chores ($5 to set the table), and how much she would make A DAY to do her chores daily. I kindly, but firmly, informed her that she lives here for free, eats food for free, uses my electricity for free. She will not be paid to do normal chores. Or I will start charging her for doing her laundry, meals, and whatever else I can come up with. It all evens out in the end either way! Hahaha! Boot Camp is going great! After only 3 weeks I lost 3.2% body fat and 6 inches over all. Woohoo!!! And I have become a gym junkie. I love going. Some days are harder tha