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Showing posts from January, 2012

The Year of Redirection

The year has begun. Can you believe it's 2012!? Courtney will be 8 this year. 8! When did that happen?! Jenna will be 7! I just cant wrap my brain around my kids being those ages. WARNING! THIS BLOG WILL BE EXTREMELY RANDOM.      I was recently asked "If 2011 was a chapter, what would you name it?". I decided on Refocusing. A lot of life got refocused, and this year, I believe, is about redirection. Changing things. I want this year to take me out of my comfort zone in church, I want to be more outgoing (you laugh, but when it comes to greeting time, I am not so much), I want to take on more and be challenged. I want God to MAKE me get past some hurdles and strong holds. Well, week one, He did just that. He placed a situation in my face, that I have not dealt with since it happened 6 years ago. Now I have to work on mercy, grace, forgiveness, and the art of letting it go. The more I step back to gain perspective on the situation, the more I see this as not only a test