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The Year of Redirection

The year has begun. Can you believe it's 2012!? Courtney will be 8 this year. 8! When did that happen?! Jenna will be 7! I just cant wrap my brain around my kids being those ages.


     I was recently asked "If 2011 was a chapter, what would you name it?". I decided on Refocusing. A lot of life got refocused, and this year, I believe, is about redirection. Changing things. I want this year to take me out of my comfort zone in church, I want to be more outgoing (you laugh, but when it comes to greeting time, I am not so much), I want to take on more and be challenged. I want God to MAKE me get past some hurdles and strong holds. Well, week one, He did just that. He placed a situation in my face, that I have not dealt with since it happened 6 years ago. Now I have to work on mercy, grace, forgiveness, and the art of letting it go. The more I step back to gain perspective on the situation, the more I see this as not only a test, but as an opportunity for growth. If I let God lead this and follow His guidance, WOW! What I will glean from it will be priceless! I also was asked to take on a big admin type roll for our VBS week. Goodbye comfort zone, hello new adventure!!

*Right now I am dreaming of having sound proof walls and well behaved children. Jenna is crying out sadly "Mommy", while Courtney is saying "I didn't try to". Urgh!*

     2011 ended on a rough note this year. A week before Christmas, my brother Caleb ended up in Children's Hospital ICU with dangerously low sodium serum levels. He was admitted on Thursday. Saturday morning my maternal Grandpa passed away. There was so much that I didn't know about him. It really makes me sad. I missed out. He founded several churches, one which is thriving greatly to this day. He was in a men's glee club, he played the accordion, he got his PhD from OSU. But the greatest thing I did know about my Grandpa was that he was aiming for heaven. He was pressing toward the mark to the calling of Christ Jesus. There was nothing greater than knowing that my Grandpa was in heaven, singing (and playing the piano) to praise God. So amazingly awesome! Caleb came home a week after he went in, and was home for Christmas.

     *Conversation I am having with Courtney at this moment: Courtney brought in the Crayola easel, on which she wrote "starving children, feed them now." I told her to take it back to their bedroom and stop bringing chunky things into my living room. She said "So you are calling me chunky? Because I haven't brought anything but myself into this room, so you MUST be calling me chunky!" Hahahahaha!!!*

And on that note, I must end my blog for today. OH WAIT!! I taught myself how to knit and crochet! I've made several scarves, and after 4 hours of attempting with the help of a youtube video, learned that crocheting a hat is something that I must learn from someone in person. Ok. Now I'm done.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing!" ~Isaiah 43:18-19


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