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When Motivation Comes Back and You Don't Know What to Do First. . .

I have all kinds of motivation starting to plow it's way through. It's taken a little while, but it's back before I thought it would be. The problem is what "project" to start on. We start school on Monday. EEK! and YAY! The school year brings more structure to our lives. It also brings lots of it's own frustrations.
I need to make some meal plan ideas. I need to get the books from last year mailed back (yes, I procrastinated with the best on that). I need to get the girls school areas set up. I need to sort through clothes that don't fit, are ruined, are too big but not in the totes for that size. I need to figure out where to put the $2 yard sale book shelf for school books. I need to work on editing pictures. I need to do this, I need to do that, I need to decide where to start! My brain is in organization idea overload.

I'm going to really dig my teeth into a good Bible study. I have wanted to do one with friends, but that just didn't work this summer. I need to just dive in on my own. I have a few by Beth Moore. I am starting to read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I love his style of writing. I'm also going to start doing not only daily devotions with the girls, but also scripture memorization, and have them read the Bible every day. Jenna will need help since she's still working on getting the reading thing to really click, but Courtney had it click big time over the summer.

*Right now the girls are writing letters in their bedroom while making up songs. And singing them very loudly. And correcting each other's singing style and lyrics. The current song is "You Treat Me Like a Paper Cut".*

The girls had their state diagnostic testing this morning. As I was waiting with Courtney in the hall in the Library basement, some of the staff came out of the office to our left and said "We were told to come out and look at your cute hair!" Funny story, I had straightened it and done it all nice yesterday, slept on it, ran my fingers through it, and walked out the door this morning. Yep. Hahaha! I found it very entertaining. Now, later on we had to get groceries at Walmart, and on our way out had some less than appropriate entertainment of sorts. Like so bad you just can't look away. First, a woman with her several small children was pulling out a cart. What caught your eye would be the baby's head sticking out of her shirt. At first I thought it was a Moby wrap. But no, This extremely large chested woman had stuck her baby between her breasts, and just had it's head out of the v-neck collar of her shirt. The baby looked about 4 months old. Courtney said "Mom, was that baby REALLY just in her shirt like I think it was?" Oh, but then, then was the real mortifying site. A very thin woman, who I happen to have had much contact with lately as she's bumming in my neighbors tiny apartment with her 4 small lice infested children, was walking through the parking lot with her pants only halfway covering her naked rear. She had been walking through the store like that as well. She also walks the sidewalk outside like that, but usually has underwear to help keep it . . . under control? It's a sad situation as she is homeless, and looks to be a serious drug addict, but my pity is for the kids. Ugh!

Well, it's time for me to form my plan of attack. Sometimes it just helps to clear my mind on here a bit before tackling whatever it is I have on my list. *My Dove Dark Chocolate wrapper just told me "Your smile lights up the room." Awe! How sweet!

Oh, and I have to throw out there also that I am contemplating going to school for Licensed Massage Therapy. Not sure yet. The Adult Ed classes at the Career Center are 2 nights a week and one Saturday a month for 16 months. I've played with the idea of LMT for over 10 years. Several friends have been encouraging me to go for it. I just don't know if I can commit and all the cost and everything. We shall see. My biggest UGH about the idea is not so much the arthritis that LMT's deal with in life, but more the clients that I won't like. Big smelly hairy men. Smelly women. Inappropriate men.  Other than those things, it would be a fun career, and I could be like Phoebe on Friends! Oh YAY! She's my favorite. I'm also thinking about doing just a few pre-req classes through COTC and see what might come along over the next few years. But, for now, I will work on figuring out how to get all my things in order before school starts next week.


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