Today has been interesting to say the least.
I tried to get Courtney to clean the bathroom, and Jenna ended up fighting and WINNING the right to clean it by herself. She did a pretty decent job at it for being the half-hearted cleaner that she is.
Oreo pop tarts were the breakfast of choice at 11am because they had yet to "be hungry".
When Jenna was helping with laundry, I realized that she throws every piece of clothing, clean or dirty, into the hamper because it's easier to clean that way.
Courtney announced that "This was the worst summer ever! It was so humiliating and hot!" She also asked for her timeout for shutting a door on her sister's finger to be spent in the kitchen pantry with the door closed.
Running out of apple cider was the worst possible thing they could imagine. And it happened.
They "caged" their stuffed animals under the Crayola easel with a wire basket while they were supposed to be making their beds.
I learned how bad of drivers the MVNU college students are when they almost backed into me and then asked why I honked at them, and another student came flying around a sharp corner almost taking out my left front end.
And now, because homeschooling is so cool, we are getting ready to do "drama class" by watching High School Musical. This will bring forth concerts on their beds of all of the songs in the movie. I try to only do this with movies I like to hear the songs from over and over and over. . . Like The Sound of Music, Enchanted, Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella, and The Wizard of Oz.
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